
Preparing to communicate in Israel: languages, features

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Ask any adult what language is spoken in Israel, and 99% of the answer will be Hebrew. But if you are going to visit the country in person, it is better to be fully informed about communication with its inhabitants. This will allow you to feel comfortable and confident, and as a result get as many positive emotions from the trip, for example with Trip Tel Aviv.

What language the Israelis actually speak

Hebrew is approved as the state language of Israel. There is another recognized language with a special status - Arabic because inhabitants of this nationality make up one-fifth of the total population of the country. What gives the special status? Many public documents and signs are in two languages: Hebrew and Arabic. According to observations, Hebrew is predominant in the large cities and Arabic in the smaller settlements, with absolutely no oppression of each other.

Linguistic Colors

In addition to these languages, there are also state-recognized languages: English and Russian, as well as common spoken languages. Let's look into it in more detail:

  • English - is necessarily studied in schools as an additional, often used in official and public documentation, it is popular among the population (according to statistics, it is spoken by more than 70% of residents);
  • Russian - the wide representation of the Russian-speaking population contributes to the development of entire diasporas, there are Russian residential neighborhoods with restaurants and stores, and the city of Haifa is unofficially considered the "Russian capital", and half of its residents are Russian-speakers;
  • Yiddish is an ancient Jewish language with a German dialect, originated in medieval Germany, especially common in religious circles;
  • French - used by residents coming from France, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia; thanks to friendly relations between the countries, it was included in the programs of some educational institutions.

Communicating without tension

According to official data, there are 39 languages and dialects used in Israel. In addition to these languages, it is possible to hear conversations in Polish, Spanish, Italian, and Chinese.

Staying in major cities, popular tourist destinations, feels comfortable due to such factors:

  1. a lot of available information in the most common languages;
  2. If you speak your native language, you will find people who understand you;
  3. you can use an online translator, particularly in English.

Israel is quite a modern and progressive country, which is conducive to visiting and communicating. And the language barrier is not felt here.

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